My name is Sami Etheredge. I’m 37 years old and live in Longview, TX. I have been married to my husband, Keith, for 11 years and we have two children together, Ellee who is 8 and Easton who is 5. We currently own and operate three Zippy J’s convenience stores and are in the process of building our 4th on S. High St.
My fitness journey started a few months after I had Easton. I was in the grocery store and someone approached me and asked when my baby was due. Never ask this question!! But honestly I am glad they did because it was then that I realized it was time that I start living a healthier life. I hired a personal trainer and started working with her two days per week for over a year. I was dedicated those two days per week but to get me in the gym anymore than that was tough, until I found CrossFit.
I started with Citadel in April of 2014. My first day was terrifying. My husband was already a member with Citadel so I went to a class with him. I remember the WOD that day had 400m runs and I looked at my husband and told him he better not leave me behind! Anyone that knows me can tell you that running is not something I’m good at! I made it through that workout and realized that there was nothing to be scared of. Everyone was so encouraging and uplifting that it made me feel excited to come back and see what else I could accomplish.
Over two years later and I still get excited to see what the workout will be the next day. I’m sure a lot of Citadel athletes can relate to looking at Wodify before they go to bed each night to see what tomorrow has in store for them! CrossFit has become my hobby and a part of my daily routine. I have made great friends over the years and thanks to Jon, Crystal and Ronnie I have accomplished goals that I never thought were possible. I actually have muscles! I remember saying when I first started that I didn’t think I would ever get a pull-up. Now I can kip and do strict pull-ups! That’s the best part about CrossFit, there will always be a new goal to attain and new PR’s to hit.
CrossFit has forever changed my life and has made me physically and mentally stronger. It has taught me that working out is only part of the process and that eating a healthy diet has to be a part of my life as well to see results. I know I will continue to get stronger and see gains through my CrossFit journey and I am proud to say I’m a part of the Citadel team!
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